I'm so thankful to God! I have struggled for quite a few hours, and just can't find the words to say 'thank you.' He has been so generous to me. Have you ever noticed how much "thanks" there is in the bible, especially in the NT? Almost every letter in the NT starts with a prayer of thanksgiving. Contrariwise, the spiral into spiritual blackness & decay in Romans 1.21-32 begins by them not honoring God or giving Him thanks.
Today I'm especially grateful as I look back on yesterday, my REbirthday. It was, without a doubt, my best rebirthday so far. I have had a hard time getting others to understand the value of such a celebration. The day angels rejoiced in heaven ... the day when the Prodigal's Dad invited everyone to come celebrate with him, and many other examples in the bible ... but people in our culture are having none of it. And along comes people like you, and especially my three girlfriends: Berklie, London & Lindsey. Thanks, ladies, for making the day so special.
Like a normal, inferior, physical birthday; a rebirthday is a celebration and a memorial of the original event itself: being born - or born again. I'll write more about being born again in future blogs. But for now, I just want to say thank you to God and to all of you for a great day. The cards, gifts, emails and texts were VERY meaningful to me, and now bringing even more glory to our Father. Thank you, my family!
Someone said to Him,
“Behold, Your mother and your brothers are standing outside seeking to speak to you.”
But Jesus answered the one who was telling him and said:
“Who is my mother and who are my brothers?”
And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said,
“Behold My mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven, he is my brother and sister and mother.”
Matthew 12:47-50